Comment to 'Europe would be worse off'
  • Reading you is like reading encyclopedia Urs! 

    Truly enlightening material.. Learning a lot from you!

    I believe that Napoleon was a megalomaniac but he was a genius at the same time. He had such a strong personality that to this day he still inspires lots of people. 

    He definitely was a product of the French Revolution. Had the revolution not been so tumultuous, it would've been much harder for Napoleon to rise to power, I believe.. So his rise to power could've been prevented. 

    There's always a question as to what begets the rise of historical personalities: the circumstances they are in or their charisma and personal strength. I think for Napoleon it was both.. He used the situation to his advantage and masterfully grasped the power. Sadly or fortunately, opinions here differ, he had never enough and it led to the demise of his empire.. 

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