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Choose five irregular verbs that you like and make sentences with each of their three forms.
1.I bought copybook
2.I go to school
3.I like to play
4.I want to holidays
5.I began it's good to write
6.I caught it ball
7.I slept
8.I sang songs
9.I swam in Baikal
10.I gone to the camp
11.I learnt a tongue twister
12.I like to in the park
1.I drank coffee
2.I went to the library
3.I had breakfast
4.I went to school
5.I was in the hospital
6.I was walking with friends
7.I went to a birthday party
8.I ate pancakes
9.I dreamed of skateboarding
10.I was small
11.I tried the cake
12.I went to the museum