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Irregular verbs

Choose five irregular verbs that you like and make sentences with each of their three forms.

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Comments (10)
    • 1. becomes successful 

      became successful 

      becomes successful 

      2. doing business 

      did the job 

      the job is done 

      3. having a cat 

      had a cat

      had a cat 

      4. hide the candy jar 

      hid a jar of candy 

      the hidden man 

      5. hold the tray 

      holding a tray 

      holding a trey 


      0 0 0 0
      • I sit on a chair. 

        I am sitting on a chair.

        I am sitting on the table.


        I am building a house.

        I am building a skyscraper.

        I am building a tree house.


        I break the handle.

        I break my pencil.

        I break a bone.


        I'm running home.

        I'm running to workout.

        I run to school.


        I am writing a dictation.

        I write homework.

        I'm writing an essay.

        0 0 0 0
        • I buy potatoes

          I'll buy potatoes

          I bought a potatoes





          They eat McDonald's

          they eat McDonald's

          they ate McDonald's




          He goes home

          he'll win home

          he came home




          She paints her eyes. 

          She'll paint her eyes. 

          She painted her eyes.




          We learn

          we will learn

          we have unlearned

          0 0 0 0
            1. I fly in my dreams
            2. I flew in my dream
            3. I will fly in my dreams
            4. i keep money
            5. i kept money
            6. I will keep money
            7. i lost money
              i lose money
              i will lose money

            8. i will meet a friend
            9. i met a friend
            10. I meet a friend


            1. i know a frend
            2. i knew a friend
            3. I drink water
            0 0 0 0
            • buy a banana. 

              I bought a banana.

              I'll bought a banana


              I fly in my dreams

              I flew in my dream

              I will fly in my dream


              She paints her eyes. 

              She'll paint her eyes.

              She painted her eyes.

              0 0 0 0
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