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What do you know about the education system in Russia?
They study at school for 11 years, they go to the first grade at the age of 7-8 years, they conduct tests at school to test the student's knowledge
In Russia there are: Preschool education: kindergartens;
General education: schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc.;
Secondary vocational education: colleges, colleges, technical schools;
Higher education: institutes, universities, academies;
Additional education: creativity, art schools, etc.
Well done! Thank you, everyone!
School starts from 6-7 years to 17, 15
Up to Grades 9 and 11
Education is free and compulsory
Order in Russia: Pre-school education: kindergartens;
General education: schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc.;
Secondary vocational education: colleges, colleges, technical schools;
Higher education: institutes, universities, academies;
Additional education: creativity, art school, etc.