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TO NOT DO THINGS BY HALVES – to do things properly, thoroughly, with effort.

A: I knew you didn’t do things by halves, but I never expected to see such a masterpiece!

TO GO THE EXTRA MILE – to do more than was required or expected of you.

B: What can I say? I did go the extra mile to paint it.

TO DO ONE’S LEVEL BEST – to put as much effort as possible.

B: But I always try to do my level best when I work.

TO WORK ONE’S SOCKS OFF – to work too hard.

A: I only asked you to paint the ceiling in the church! I didn’t ask you to work your socks off!

TO WORK ONE’S FINGERS TO THE BONE – to work too hard.

A: I bet you’ve literally worked your fingers to the bone!

TO BURN THE CANDLE AT BOTH ENDS – to try to do everything at once, often staying up day and night and having only a few hours of sleep.

B: Not exactly… but I’d been burning the candle at both ends. I even worked at night, so now I have some issues with my eyesight.

TO UP ONE'S GAME – to improve performance.

A: No wonder, man! There must be over 300 figures here! I’m going to tell painters in other churches that they need to up their game!

TO PULL ONE’S WEIGHT – to work as hard as someone else doing the same work.

B: Don’t be so harsh on them, I simply had a flash of inspiration. I am sure they are pulling their weight.

TO NOT RAISE/LIFT A FINGER TO DO SMTH – to make no effort to do smth, to do nothing to help.

A: I will not raise a finger to raise their salaries. What is this fresco painting in the center by the way?

TO BREAK ONE’S BACK – to work very hard, to make an enormous effort.

B: Oh, this one? This one is called “The Creation of Adam”. I was breaking my back to paint it.

TO TAKE (GREAT) PAINS – to try very hard to something.

A: I can see you took great pains to make it look so realistic.

B: Well, I tried to.

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