Comment to 'PC is good'
Comment to PC is good
  • Hi Urs, thanks for your answer! 

    I totally agree that different sides of the political spectrum should talk and should strive to understand each other's biases.. And without dialogues it is not possible. 

    As for what we should do about this - I don't really know...People are tribal and they want to hear what they want and they join groups is social media and watch videos that confirm their biases. And nowadays 99% of what people watch, read and listen is through online platforms.  Perhaps, it takes massive reforms in the tech industry that will help reinvent the algorithms that suggest content to users. Or probably governments should step in somehow and start regulating tech companies treating them as utilities companies whose content belongs to public. 

    As for examples that limit other viewpoints : Youtube (which I watch often) sometimes demonizes videos of creators that Youtube thinks falls out of their political ideology 

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