Comment to 'Everything is relative'
  • Hello Yuri

    Thanks a lot that you took your time and answered my post:)

    Globalization is a threat in many ways - I fully agree.
    It creates too many disadvantages and falls short when it comes down to develop countries and people.
    It is like "the winner takes it all" - I am afraid...

    It will take some time to overcome the downsides of this worldwide system or the idea behind it:

    They say that you should produce goods where it has the lowest prize.

    That is good for many things - but it has vast consequences as we are seeing now in the actual pandemic.
    As soon as a production line in a far away country cannot produce anymore due to an outbreak of corona or harsh measures to battle this disease, theese products can't be produced anymore and - like it is often the case - can't be replaced by products of other countries on short notice.

    So we have to find solutions to guarantee a certain independency in terms of crucial and basic products, in my view.

    As for the standards imposed by the so called international society:
    Would you mind explaining what you mean by that?

    In my view, cultural diversity is a very important thing and should be respected. So it can't be a good idea to standardise the whole world. I fully agree on that.

    I only wanted to point out that nationwide / wordlwide challenges need cooperation at least to a certain extent. Some developments can't be avoided and don't stop at the borders of our countries...

    Please, Yuri, forgive me for replying not as quickly as you might have expected.

    I am a bit busy at my new post - many things to adapt to in a relatively short time;)
    But all in all I think it was a good decision to take on this job.
    I'll tell you more about it later.

    Have a good weekend!



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