Comment to 'Test '
Comment to Test
  • Hello, Beligma! Thank you for your homework.

    MY corrections:

    0.If I buy, I (will be) am glad. 

    1.If I bUY it, I wILL be happy

    2.If I bouGHT it, then I WOULD be glad. 

    3.If I HAD bought IT, I would HAVE BEEN glad. 

    Task 2.

    1.He bUYS bookS in a store. 

    The bookS ARE read aT home. 

    2.He IS BUYING a book in a store. 

    The book is BEING BOUGHT at home. 

    3.He has read the book at home. 

    The book HAS BEEN read at home. 

    Task 3.

    1.I buy bananas for break fast. 

    A friend said she bought bananas for breakfast. 

    2.I HAVE bOUGHT bananas for breakfast FOR THREE dayS. 

    My friend said that she HAD BOUGHT bananas for breakfast for three days. 

    3.Yesterday I bought bananas. 

    A friend said she HAD bought bananas the day before. 

    4.I'v bought bananas for there weeks now. 

    (A friend said had been tools, a friend said she there weeks)???. 

    5.I have never bought tools. A friend said she had never bought tools. 

    Your grade is 4. 

    0 0 0 0

