Comment to 'Composition'
Comment to Composition
  • this story was told to me by my friends, in good company, the story is really creepy

    Once my friend had the most terrible childhood dream: he dreamed that he wanted water in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen. While he was walking there, he heard someone knocking softly with some metal objects, and with each step I took, it got louder. When he reached the kitchen, he saw there an old, twisted woman in a worn-out dressing gown, she was banging two frying pans against each other. She turned to me and looked at me with bulging eyes. She had short tousled hair—the curls were tied up with a dozen colorful children's hair bands and stuck out in all directions.
    he woke up in horror and decided to check. I took a flashlight and went to the kitchen. Of course, there was no old woman there. But from the top kitchen shelf, for no reason at all, a frying pan fell next to me with a clink.

    After a couple of years, my friends moved to another place

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    • A scary story. Diana, indeed! 

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