Comment to 'Convenience food: for and against. '
  • Advanteges of Convenience food.

    The most important advantage of Convenience products is undoubtedly the speed of their preparation. Many of them are easy enough to reheat – in the microwave or in a frying pan. You don't waste your nerves thinking that the dish won't work. There is another advantage of Convenience products – these products do not lose vitamins and other useful substances during cooking - everything is preserved even in the case of defrosting.

    Disadvantages of Convenience food.

    Quite often, various flavor enhancers that are not useful are used in Convenience products. It is impossible not to recall the calorie content of Convenience products. Various burgers and pizzas are very high in calories. Their frequent use brings great harm. In addition, they contain a large number of GM organisms, they are usually frozen. The buyer just warms them up.

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