Comment to 'The future of the Buryat language. '
  • Hello! Now I want to talk about the Buryat language. All my relatives on my mother's side speak Buryat. Honestly, I rarely speak my native language and less and less began to understand words, meanings, which is very bad, also speaking it, I feel it as a foreign language and feel awkward. Some of my friends tell me that I have a Russian accent. Relatives told me that as a child I spoke Buryat very well and a lot. But after thinking about it, after which I started speaking Russian more often, I realised that after moving to my grandmother, I began to speak only Russian. Since my grandmother talked to us in Russian and my sister didn't understand Buryat. After that, I went to school and gradually stopped speaking it. That's why now they started talking to me more and more often in Russian, because sometimes I don't realise what I'm being told. But I really like the way Buryat sounds and often listen to Buryat songs. As soon as I started speaking Buryat more, I noticed a very fast Buryat speech, I don't like it, because I'm used to the average speed of speaking and I don't have time to understand what they're talking about. I believe that children of our age should know their native language at least at a basic level or understand it. I believe that if the language goes away, culture along with the language will also go away. Have a good evening, everyone.

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