Comment to 'Intelligence'
Comment to Intelligence

    A. I'm quite optimistic about in work.
    B. Really? Why not?
    A.It's more important to be confident than not confident, because confident people are successful.
    B. Really? Why not?
    A. I've never fell very energetic in cleaning.
    B. Really? Why not?
    A. There are a lot of similarities between me and Beligma.
    B. Really? Why not?
    A. I sometimes have arguments with classmates about cleaning class
    B. Really? Why not?
    A. I find QuarrelsI very irritating because everyone is shouting at each other .
    B. Really? Why not?
    A. I have a very good relationship with Beligma and Adyana at the moment.
    B. Really? Why not?


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    • Hello, Zorigma! Thank you. A couple of remarks: ...about my work..., I've never felt. 

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