Comment to 'Express Yourself'
Comment to Express Yourself
  • The day after my eighth birthday, my father ...

    a) asked whether I'd take him the money the day before.

    b) told me to talk to him that night.

    c) asked when I would be back there, and I answered 'Next month'.

    d) informed me that he was leaving for another country.

    e) asked me if I could walk.

    f) asked me to take the potatoes out of the soup, wrap it in a bag and take it to Grandma.

    g) announced that from then on, he would be calmer.

    h) said he would like to tell me something very important.

    i) told me that we must leave the house immediately because they were coming.

    j) said that I have to leave for Hong Kong the following day.

    k) told me to do well in my exams.

    The day after my eighth birthday, my father asked me what gifts they gave me that day.

    The day after my eighth birthday, my father said I could leave Texas for Hong Kong the following day.


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    • Hello Lyuba! Lots of sentences). Thank you for your work. I think that father asked you "to give", not "to take". 

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