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Question of the Day #030: What is your countries national anthem? Share an audio file or link so we can all listen.

    • The first anthem of Russian Empire - The thunder of victory, resound!(1791-1816)

      The second anthem of Russian Empire - How glorious is our God on Zion(1794-1816)

      The third anthem of Russian Empire - The Russian prayer(1817-1833)

      The fourth anthem of Russian Empire - God save the Tsar(1833-1917)

      The first anthem of post-revolutionary Russia - The working marseillaise(1917)

      The first anthem of Soviet Union - International (1918-1944)

      The second national anthem of USSR (1944-1991)

      The first anthem of Russian Federation - the Patriotic song(1990-2000)

      The second national anthem of Russian Federation.


      You can listen all of them on

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