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Do you know what a Corona-Tracer is and what we try to accomplish?

In case this is done in your Country / region as well then I’m very curious to hear from you.
As you might know we did not a good job in Switzerland in terms of the Corona-Virus during the 2nd wave. We have waited for much too long before implementing stricter rules. So the Corona-Tracing has got to its limits in many Cantons (Regions) here.

Where I work we have to deal with 200 new cases a day on a population of 350’000 inhabitants which is a lot of work to do.
My team does the 2nd phone call. We talk to the people, ask them how they are doing right now, explain them in detail what they and family members should do now for the next 10 days.

So many people tell us, they have only light symptoms like you experience during a flue. They still have to stay home in order not to infect other people. But there are a few who suffer a lot. Not just those over 65 but also others, even young guys. One woman told me that she is positive and doesn’t feel well. But that she is worried so much about her 6 month old baby that has gone through days with really high fever between 39 and 40 degrees. That woman is still breastfeeding – so the baby was bound to get the virus. But even before showing symptoms on herself her baby had fallen ill. So, how could she know that?

So, please tell me about the situation in your place and whether or not someone close to you has had a serious or a mild outbreak because of the virus and what you think the reason was they got infected in the first place.
I’m looking forward to a lively discussion here!

Very kindly,


You can watch this video to learn more about Contact Tracing:


