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Ex. 3, p. 29. Make sentences or word combinations using 8 new words.
the best classmates
foreign music group
there was an accident
very loud neighbor
very good rating for your robot
this is your cancer mistake
in the distance I heard a loud noise
you have to remember the rules in our group
My classmate is very good.
I want to know three foreign languages.
Every Day something happens.
Ioud noise in our class.
A good mark.
I have one mistake.
Noise from above.
Today we Will learn the rules.
Mr. Zverev hello, I wrote a comment on this task but it is not there. I have to re-write
My classmate is very smart.
English its foreign language.
I dont like a loud music.
My marks is good.
All people make mistakes.
I dont love noise.
I follow the rules.