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Travelling to school

Ex. 9. Find out how your classmates travel to school and how much time it takes them. 

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Comments (12)
      1. My friends Erdem gets home in 7-10 minutes
      2. My friends Erdem gets home 30 minutes
      3. My friends Bair gets home 5-10 minutes
      4. My friends gets home 30-35 minutes 
      0 0 0 0
      • Hello, Stas! Thank you. Your sentences should look like this one: "My friend Erdem gets home in 30 minutes. 

        0 0 0 0
        1. My friend Stas gets home in 5-8 minutes.
        2. My friend Anastasia gets home in 6-8 minutes.
        3. My friend Erdem gets home in 30 minutes.
        0 0 0 0
        • Ok, Olga. Good job!

          0 0 0 0
          1. My friend Polina gets to school by bus and it takes her 15 minutes.
          2. My friend Olya gets to school by car and it takes her 5-7 minutes
          3. My friend Saryuna gets to school on foot and it takes her 10-15 minutes
          0 0 1 0
          • Hello, Nastya! Thank you very much. Your homework is very well done!

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          • 1.My friend Katya gets to school on foot and it takes her 15-20 minutes.

            2.My friend Anya gets to school on foot and it takes her 20-30 minutes.

            3.My friend Vova gets to school by car and it takes his 30-40 minutes


            0 0 0 0
            • My friend stas gets to school on foot 20 minutes 

              My friend erdem gets to school by bus 10-15 minutes

              0 0 0 0
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