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Work in my family

Write a short story of your family members work experience. 

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Comments (16)
    • My mom is a lawyer, my dad is a fitter, and my grandmother is a vet


      0 0 0 0
      • My mother works in the Russian post office.

        My grandmother is a pensioner.

        0 0 0 0
          1. My mom works a teather
          2. I do not know who my dad works for 
          0 0 0 0
          • Thank you, Nadya! 

            0 0 0 0
          • my dad is a locksmith

            my grandmother is a nurse


            0 0 0 0
            • My mom works as a cashier

              Grandmother works as a kindergarten teacher

              0 0 0 0
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              Work experience
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