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Visiting places

Ex. 5, p. 31. Write 5 sentences at least. 

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Comments (32)
    • St. Petersburg is considered the cultural capital of our Motherland. Moscow is the most beautiful city and the capital of Russia. In Sochi, they like to go on vacation, relax by the sea. There is a strange monument in Ulan-Ude, the largest head of V. I. Lenin. Irkutsk is the closest to us of all other more or less large cities, belongs to the Irkutsk region.
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      • Two athletes are visible in the photo. They are dressed in white suits and red and blue helmets for protection. They have white and green belts.There is a training session or competition in the gym. I can assume that this sport is called "Sambo".

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        • In the photo we can see two sportsmen. They are dressed in white suits and helmets for protection. They're in a fight right now. Probably, guys have been doing for many years. Most likely, they are in training.

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          • In this picture, I see two athletes. 

            Both in white kimono, they differ in helmets. 

            One has a blue helmet and the other has a red helmet.

            They also differ in the color of the belt.

            One has a green belt and the other has a white belt.


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            • In this photo we see two athletes. Both are put in a white kimono. Each of the athletes has a helmet. They also have different belts. The guys are fighting at the moment.

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