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The venue where we receive and submit our homework assignments and also where we engage in debates and discussions. 

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The strongest motivation for the development and study of the Buryat language would be the full use of the Buryat state language in the work of state bodies, institutions and public organizations.
In recent years, many events have been held in the republic to study and preserve the Buryat language, discussions about the dialects of the native language have intensified. TV and radio channels provide more and more time for broadcasts in the Buryat language.

The best project, in my opinion, is the creation and maintenance of the radio channel "Buryad FM". Contests are held and traditions of communication in the Buryat language are revived during various holidays and in the family and society. Secondary and higher schools, cultural institutions take part in republican state programs for the preservation and development of the Buryat language.And I believe that the Buryat language will remain forever.

The Buryat language, like Russian, is important for the people of Buryatia. The Buryat language has become forgotten, the younger generation almost does not speak it. I think that more events are needed that will help to learn or at least teach the basics of the Buryat language

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A domestic person who likes to spend time at home. I prefer to sit in a quiet, homely environment. I am a loner and do not like noisy companies.

Buryatia in Russia has always been an example of tolerance and peacefulness. We speak Buryat, inserting Russian words into our speech. Speaking in Russian, we use words from the Buryat language. We, the youth, must make a great contribution to the development of the Buryat language, because we are the ones who educate the younger generation. The future of not only the language, but also the issue of preserving the Buryat people as an ethnic group depends on the efforts of each person.

It was officially announced that we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of our republic on May 30, 2023, however, in the history of our state education, there are several interesting facts that l would like to turn to on the occasion of the upcoming anniversary events.

According to the Constitution of the Far Eastern Republic on April 27, 1921. Aginsky aimags were included there. 

In recent years, many events have been held in the republic to study and preserve the Buryat language, and discussions about dialects of the native language have intensified. Television and radio channels provide more and more time  for broadcasts in the Buryat language.

I think it is important to study the Buryat language. This is the future of our people of Buryatia. The older generation may also speak Buryat, but the generation of parents most likely does not speak it, but only understands it, and because of this, they practically do not speak with children and among themselves.

Hello everyone. It was my pleasure to read your comments. I am sure that the Buryat language is going to live for ever and people will do their best to preserve it. We live in the Buryat republic and even the name of it tells us to tace care of the language. 

Buryat is the official language of the Republic of Buryatia un Russia. The Buryat language originated from the Mongolian language. The future of the Buryat language largery depends on our generation. Because many parents do not speak to their children in their native language, the Buryat language is slowly beginning to be forgotten. I think the more concerts, posts on the Internet in order to popularize the native language, the more our language will be preserved.

It is important to bring up the Buryat language as the main element of national culture precisely at preschool age, when the spoken language is assimilated. I am ashamed that I do not know my native language and I think it is high time to delve into this language. I really like Buryat culture, songs, dances, I think it looks very noble and beautiful. It seems to me that now it is important to remember the Buryat language and it is necessary to study it diligently, since with each generation it is gradually forgotten ... We Buryats, wherever we are, remain an integral part of the Mongolian world. And no matter what dialect we speak, the basis of our native language is the Mongolian language.

