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My favorite food is...

My favorite vegetables are...

My favorite drink is...

My favorite types of fruit... 

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Comments (11)
      1. My favorite food is pizza
      2. My favorite vegetables are cucumber and tomato
      3. My favorite drink is Coca Cola
      4. My favorite types of fruit apple
      0 0 0 0
      • Thank you, Olga! Sentence 2: you should write 'cucumbers and tomatoes' Sentence 4: 'are apples and...'

        0 0 0 0
      • My Favorite food is fried potatoes 

        My Favorite vegetables are carrot and potato 

        My Favorite Drink is Pepsi 

        My Favorite Types of fruit banana and apple


        0 0 0 0
        • Hello, Oleg. Sentence 2: 'carrots and potatoes', sentence 4: 'are bananas and apples'

          0 0 0 0
        • My favourite food is pizza

          My favourite vegetables carrots

          My favourite drink tea

          My favourite fruits are apples

          0 0 0 0
          • Hello Bair. Sentence 2: ...'are carrots', 3: ...'is tea'

            0 0 0 0
          • my favorite food is pizza

            my favorite vegetables are carrot

            my favorite drink is water

            my favorite types of fruit grape

            0 0 0 0
            • Ayana, thank you. Sentence 2: ...'are carrots', sentence 4: type of fruit is...

              0 0 0 0
            • My favourite food is lasagna

              My favourite vegetables is potatoes

              My favourite drink is coca-cola

              My favourite types of fruit apple and peach

              0 0 0 0
              • Hello, Ariana. Thank you. Sentence 2: 'are potatoes', sentence 4: 'are apples and peaches'. 

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