Do we need the Unified State Examination (EGE) after school?


We need the EGE. 

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Comments (8)
    • Arina, thank you for your comment. Yes, we should find a way to get rid of cheating on exams and cases of corruption when students apply to universities.  

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      • We need EGE, because it's a big possible.Many students studying because exams. It's an effective method to get knowledge. Motivation. Result EGE helps to measure how much we have learned.


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        • Hi, Lika!

          I agree with you. Exams are another motivation to learn what you might have missed during the years at school and what you are supposed to have learned.

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        • I think that the form is needed. Because it's beautiful and everyone will know that you are from this or that school. 

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          • The USE is needed to test our knowledge, and this is an effective way to understand whether a student will be able to enter the institute.

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            • Yes, we need it

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