Do we need the Unified State Examination (EGE) after school?


We can do without the EGE.

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Comments (11)
    • I believe that the exam should not decide someone's fate.

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      • Hello Lera! Thank you! I agree that our exams are not practical. As for changing the tasks, they have to be different every year but they should be as close to the school program as possible. 



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        • Yes, Bato! I agree that the exams should be closer to life. I hope that the assignment writers will consider student opinions and make the exams more practical.   

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          • Hey, everyone! From what I can see here, you are not exactly against the unified exam itself, you are more against its level of difficulty or the stress that goes with it.

            But don’t you think it is good that it allows students from all over the country to compare their knowledge and have equal opportunities when entering the university? It’s only up to you whether you are up for the challenge and how well you study.

            Exams of the past were not any less difficult than the EGE, only you had to travel to every university you considered as your option, just to see if you can pass them. And that was a lot more stressful than what you’re offered today.

            The problem is that the EGE has been painted as some kind of a “bogeyman” for far too long - and, more often than not, kids are thinking about how to cheat on the exams than how to study better.

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            • I am against EGE because it is a very difficult exam and it puts moral pressure on those who are going to pass it.

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              • Hi, Aldar!

                But don’t you think exams are supposed to be challenging? Every question is based exclusively on what you are supposed to know after studying for 10 years. Some kids get 90 or 100 on the EGE because they are not too lazy to prepare well for the exams and they care about their future. Nothing is easy in life, unfortunately, and exams are not made to be easy and comforting either.

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