Comment to 'Yes, climate change is real'
  • Hi Urs! 

    Thanks a lot for sharing so much information on the dangers of climate change and how Switzerland is trying to tackle the problem. 

    There's indeed a lot of evidence that climate is warming up and perhaps it's good that many countries in the developed world are trying to solve the problem. 

    A problem that I see however is that all these efforts could be overshadowed by the lack of any concern over climate in the developing world that has a massive population. People in the developing world have so many things to worry about in order to survive that climate is perhaps the last thing they want to think about. 

    Perhaps more international funds should be allocated to fighting poverty and Illiteracy throughout the world, so that more and more people become affluent enough to afford thinking about climate... 

    It's going to take a long time though but I guess sooner or later when an average person in, let's say, Chad has enough to eat he or she will start thinking about the environment and that it is important to preserve it. Until then we're bound to be inefficient, I'm afraid, since some 10% of the world's population will be saving the planet and 90% will be squeezing everything out of the environment in order to feed themselves and catch up with the developed world completely neglecting the efforts of the developed world...

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