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Ex 8, p 7. Complete the sentences to make them true for you. 

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Comments (13)
    • If I had got an hour earlier today, I would have red a book.

      If I had never met Sophia, I would have never met her mother Maria.

      I would never have read korean texts, if I hadn't studied Korean language.



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      • Hello Aryuna. Thank you for your homework. Just one correction: in the second sentence you should write I would never have met because the Perfect Infinitife is unchangable and you cannot put 'never' between 'have' and 'met'. Good luck!

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      • 1.if i had got up an hour earlier today, I would play the guitar. 

        2. if i had never meet, Eliza I would have never meet her friends Meerim. 

        3.I would never have read dead souls, if I didn't go to school. 

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        • Hello Altana. I the first sentence you should write ... I would have played the guitar. The second sentence: I would never have met... In the third one: I would never have read "Dead Souls" if I hadn't gone to school.  

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        • 1. If i had got up an hour earlier today ,i would eat

          2. If i had never met my friend, i would never met my dog

          3. I would never have read "Romeo and Julietta" if i hadn't watched film

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          • 1. If i had got up an hour earlier today,I wouldn't be late for class.

            2. If i had never met friends, now I would be bored without them.

            3. I would never have read If I hadn't found it in the store.

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            • If I got up an hour earlier today, I would have time to take a walk with a friend.

              if I had never met kind people, then I would not believe in good.

              I would never have read The Lord of the Rings if my brother hadn’t told me about it.

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