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Types of addiction

Answer the questions. Ex.2, p. 30

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Comments (24)
      1. Im addicted to volleyball
      2. because a person gets used to it and can no longer live without this action 
      3. I would like to make habit read books every day
      4. Each action can become a habit if you repeat it for about a month
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      • I can't call watching TV my addiction

        I am addicted to internet surfing

        I'm not addicted to cleaning, I always do it with reluctance

         I'm addicted to computer games


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        • I am addicted to movie series

          I think the actions you do every day are addictive

          I want to develop a habit of studying for exams every day

          I think that any activity can be addictive

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          • • I may become addicted to reading books.
             •Because you get used to doing it every day
            • I think getting used to it can also lead to learning other languages if you do it every day

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            • I am addicted to computer games.

              I find that everyday activities are addictive if they are completely repetitive and do not have a variety of activities.

              I want to get into the habit of exercising in the morning

              Any activity can be addictive. It depends on the person





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