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Vague language

ex.4, p.29

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Comments (18)
    • 1. e


      2. a


      3. c


      4. b


      5. d



      0 0 0 0
      • 1) Fast food is jung food that sometimes makes people unhealthy. 

        2) we can buy a healthy food, example vegetables or fruit, at the market or at any grocery store. 

        3) Exercises bike is very useful thing for physical culture. 

        4) Banana have almost 100 calories. 

        5) I think it’s only their choice but meat, fish and dairy products is very important for health. 

        0 0 0 0
        • 1) Fast food is jung food that sometimes makes people unhealthy. 

          2) we can buy a healthy food, example vegetables or fruit, at the market or at any grocery store

          3.Exercise bikes can help you work out from the comfort of your own home
          4.A banana has 96 calories
          5. vegans.

          0 0 0 0
          • 1. this is a eat that does not take much time to cook

            2. they can be bought at a pharmacy or in a polyclinic

            3. exercise bike is a simulator of cycling, and it helps your legs stay in shape or gain it

            4. 96 calories

            5. such people are called vegetarians

            0 0 0 0
            • Часто бывает нездорово, но вкусно

              Мы можем купить здоровую пищу, например овощи или фрукты, на рынке или в любом продуктовом магазине.

              Велотренажеры помогут вам тренироваться, не выходя из дома

              В банане 96 калорий


              0 0 0 0
              • Hi, Bato! Why not English?)

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