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· Saryuna11b
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Wolves, foxes, lynxes, moose, bears, deer live in my region. Most of them are predatory. I don't think it's a good idea, because wild animals can't stay in closed space and they are will suffer. People are building zoos to protect wild animals from the extinction of the species. For example, pandas in China, most of them are in the zoo because of their small population. And because of this pandas are given to other countries only for a while a million dollars a year for one panda. My attitude to zoos is neutral My attitude to zoos is neutral. The last time I was at the zoo was in 2019, in Seoul. There were many animals: cheetahs, giraffes, elephants, flamingos, etc.
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· Saryuna11b
· Ayana
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My typical school day, is usually, sometimes 7 lessons. l think Russian, English, Mathematics and Social studies are useful subjects, l think they are important. l'll enroll, then l'll go somewhere. My attitude, you need to study to fulfill your dreams, get knowledge
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Hello Ayana! Thank you for your answer. That's ok. Just try to follow the structure by Dr. SPOM (Subject, Predicate, Object, Modifier).
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· Ayana