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Ex.7, p. 41. Write three opinions about each statement. 

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Comments (15)
    • People have a tendency to forget about your requests. Generally speaking, the don't try to hurt you. They just dont' even think harmful for you

      Apparently, it's a True statement

      There's a common belief that nobody can get over their problems without somebody to talk about it. In my opinion, you can do it by yourself, but somebody who you confide in is always a good thing

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      • It seems to me that not everyone can keep a secret, although it depends on the person.

        Yes, I agree that every person needs a personal life and personal space 

        I agree with the statement that we all need somebody to confide in, that they say: "a person needs a person"

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        •  it is best not to tell your secret to anyone, people may accidentally tell this secret to others

          I agree, everyone should have a personal space

          I believe that everyone should have someone who can be trusted with their secrets

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          • I think that sooner or later all the secrets will be revealed, so it's better not to tell about everything.

            I agree everyone should have their own space.

            I believe that everyone should have such a person who can be trusted.


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            • 1. It all depends on the person himself on his honor and conscience, sometimes this happens because people don't think about the consequences
              2. I think this is a true statement
              3. certainly! otherwise how to survive in this world if you don’t trust anyone, we all always need support 

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