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The world of books

Ex. 10, p.44. Leave your opinions about the importance of reading. Please, mention all the points given.    

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Comments (18)
    • This is a moot point. All in all, books become a kind of rarity, that's why it's worth to preserve it

      This is a very controversial Utterance. Some books are very interesting and you want to re-read them, while others do not and want to get rid of them.

      No, because the book is the work of a person and he must somehow pay

      No, thanks to books, a person develops and his artistic stock is replenished.


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      • Thank you, Aldar!

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      •  I agree with the statement because every writer puts part of his soul into his creation

        I think that it is not necessary to store books, you can give them to others to read

        I think the paper version of books is better

        Reading books replenishes vocabulary, improves literacy and speech quality

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        •  I agree with this statement. I believe that each book has its own story which is different from the others.
          I disagree with this statement. Some time after you've read the book, you'll want to reread interesting moments or the whole work
          For many people, the paper version of the book is irreplaceable, and still have to pay for many books on the Internet
          No, thanks to books, a person develops and his artistic stock is replenished.



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          • Мне кажется, что это утверждение правильно. У каждой книги своя «душа», своя история.

            Считаю, что после прочтения книгу необходимо сохранять, потому что в любой момент можно перечитать понравившийся момент, окунуться в атмосферу истории. При чтении книг оставляю закладки, очень люблю перечитывать отмеченные мной моменты.

            Чтение в Интернете и чтение бумажной книги - это совсем другое дело, мне больше нравится читать бумажную книгу.

             Я думаю, что без книг мир был бы хуже, потому что книги помогают нам в жизни, они формируют наше сознание, книга - отличный способ уйти от реальности



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            • 1. I think its true 
              a book is like a person, it changes us, teaches something, gives its knowledge and thanks to books we become better
              its like a mentor for life
              2. Books can be stored for years and read at different ages, our perception of a book will always be different
              Its also great to readand enjoy the nostalgia
              3. paper books have their own peculiarity, somehow they attract me, they set a special vibe
              and readinп downloaded books from the internet spoils your eyesight
              4. in no case! books always have something to learn we are inspired by books, it broadens our horizons, increases vocabulary
              one pros!ё

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