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Ex.7, p. 41. Write three opinions about each statement. 

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Comments (5)
    • •Noboby can ever keep a secret.

      In my opinion, many people who promise not to tell the secrets of their friends sooner or later still blabber and tell other people's secrets to strangers. Generally speaking , they don't try to hurt you.

      • Everybody needs their privacy.

      Apparently, all people need personal space.

      • We all need somebody to confide in.

      It is often the case that nobody can get over their problems without somebody to talk about it. In my opinion , you can do it by yourself , but somebody who you confide in is always a good thing.

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      • 1) It is generally , some people are able to keep secrets, but not all.
        2) Apparently, everyone has their own personal space.
        3) There's a common belief that, People like to tell stories to someone they trust.

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        • -Nobody can ever keep a secret-

          Generally speaking, few people know how to keep secrets. I think it is hard to keep it in yourself. It is thought that many of us can't live with the secret. In this case, we should switch your attention to something.

          - Everybody needs their privacy-

          It is believed that everybody needs their privacy because we should have our own time, a place without anybody where we can do something.

          - We all need somebody to confide in-

          Widely agreed fact is that we all need somebody to confide in because people need to have this person for example to tell him all his secrets

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          • Hello everyone! I have read each message. That is great that you are using this platform to do your homework. It is convenient for me to check, and your writing skills are developing rapidly. Thank you!

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          • 1) yes, it is in most cases, but there are also those who know how to keep secrets for the rest of their lives.

            2) yes, there are times when it is better to leave a person with himself

            3) it is better not to trust anyone

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