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Express Yourself

Please finish the sentence given in bold type. The day after my eighth birthday, my father... Add two or more sentences. Look for useful information on pages 48-49. 

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Comments (28)
    • The day after my eighth birthday my father gave me a horse. 

      The day after my eighth birthday my father asked me where I would like to go. 

      The day after my eighth birthday my father told me words that I will never forget. 

      0 0 0 0
      • Very nice sentences, Oshor. Thank you. 

        0 0 0 0
      • The day after my eighth birthday, my father said that the gift will arrive tomorrow 


        The day after my eighth birthday, my father rendered how to drive a car

        The day after my eighth birthday, my father take me to the skating rink 



        0 0 0 0
        • Thank you, Bato. 

          0 0 0 0
        • The day after my sixteenth birthday my father told me a very interesting thing. 

          The day after my seventh birthday my father gave me an old photo album. 

          0 0 0 0
          • Thank you, Dasha. That's OK. 

            0 0 0 0
          • The day after my eighth birthday my father gave me a robot. 

            The day after my eighth birthday, my father said that the gift will arrive tomorrow. 

            The day after my eighth birthday, my father told me that i can spend the night at a friends house.


            0 0 0 0
            • Hello Zolto. I always consider you a talented student. Thank you for starting your participation in the Keenston project. 

              0 0 0 0
            • the day after my eighth birthday, my father sent me to the volleyball section

              the day after my eighth birthday my father took me to volleyball

              the day after my eighth birthday my father bought me a volleyball

              0 0 0 0
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