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Ad Hominem

Ad Hominem (Latin for "against the man") is a logical fallacy in which someone rejects his or her opponent's argument on the basis of that person's personal characteristics (appearance, age, birthplace and etc.) 

ET: I don't think all people should go to college now.. The college degree is overrated and you have to spend a lot of money on it risking to be drowned in hefty loans until you retire. For example, lots of people are very good at working with their hands, they might as well become carpenters and be much better off without a degree.

Adam: ET, you are extraterrestrial, you haven't had any human experiences, so you can't know what is good for us humans.  

ET: I don't think that my planet of origin should define my ability to hold a position that could touch upon people and their experiences. Those who like to create things made of wood and they do it well don't have to get psychology or political science degrees just to have a piece of paper confirming that they had 4 years of college education. They can earn as much or even more by doing what they really like, be satisfied and debt-free. 

Full dialogue here: All argumentation fallacies

Video example: 

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