Risk Compensation - taking bigger risks when you perceive a certain situation as less risky and being more careful when you perceive a certain situation as risky.
Reactive Devaluation - devaluing an opponent's opinion or idea and preferring opinions or ideas coming from you or from a party you like.
Choice-supportive (Post-Purchase) Rationalization - retroactively ascribing positive attributes to an item purchased or selected.
Illusion of Validity - overestimating one's ability to interpret the data accurately and make a prediction especially when there's a coherent pattern in the data set.
Hyperbolic Discounting - to prefer a less significant payoff / gain sooner rather than wait for a larger payoff / gain in the future.
Endowment Effect - ascribing exagerated value to the things we own. The term Loss Aversion (a human tendency to prefer avoiding losses rather than obtaining equivalent gains) usually explains Endowment Effect.