Unified State Exam (EGE)

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This group is for training skills in the Unified State Exam 

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Unified State Exam (EGE)

1.I wish I were in the mountains

2.I wish I had an interesting job

3.I wish I could speak a Chinesse

4.I wish I were stronger

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Raimond Murphy. ex. 38.4

Hello Beligma! Thank you for your answer. Do you remember our Dr. SPOM's scheme (Subject, Predicate, Object, Modifier)? It IS all (that) I wanted to say.  And do not forget the constructions "there is, there are" - In Canada, there are a lot of foreign students... And it is better to put "too" at the end of a sentence (a part of a complex sentence). All in all, I like your efforts. Each piece of writing leads you closer to your success on the exam) 


That's so interesting. We have a lot of different countries. And it is hard to choose one. Sometimes I watch videos on YouTube by Ptushkin. He is the most viewed travel blogger after maybe, Mir Naiznanku" in Russia. And I feel enjoyable when he talks about countries.  Now, I understood that I want to visit and study in Canada because I see myself there. I like the fact that the atmosphere is similar to our air (Siberian)  and sweaters. Of course, in Canada a lot of foreign students who can be your future friends. 

Also, I want to visit and study too in South Korea because I think that they have a good education system. I like their style of life, their behavior, and so on. Moreover, I want to see my lovely artists who live in South Korea!!!

It all that I wanted to say ;)

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What countries would you like to visit? 

Hi, Katya! What kind of info do you usually read in English?

Btw, try not to split your sentences as much next time. Homogeneous parts won’t just turn into full sentences if you put a period instead of a coma between them 😉

For me, English is an opportunity. Opportunity for learning more information, which is not in Russian. Opportunity for entering a good University. Opportunity for communication with different people. And the opportunity to become better.

Roma. Thank you so much for your answer. Please answer without delay next time. 

The English language is important for me because I want to understand foreigners without any problems. I also want to talk with them. I know that the English language is very popular in the world. That's why I want to learn English.

