Comment to 'Online Ads are bad'
  • I guess, considering the objective of keenston site, the model which do not allow ads to be shown to the user is more appropriate. 

    The only problem I see is how to determine what a reasonable price to charge would be.  I think it may vary a lot and it might prevent some users to join the site.  

    On the other hand, as it was explained, there are facilities which will be free of charge, allowing everyone to get to know the site and maybe find out that making an effort to spend some more money would be worthwile.

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    • Thanks a lot for your opinion, Mauricio!

      I agree, determining the right price will be a challenge.. And many people who don't want to just participate but also create new content will not join. But let's see, I really hope there will be some people who will find the website's idea attractive and will be willing to pay therefore contributing to the better future, where people are a little more nuanced-thinking than they are now:) 

      In the meantime, we all can casually create new content and participate in each other's debates/addresses since everyone who joined Keenston last year got a lifetime premium membership :)

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