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Tag questions

Make sentences with question tags about these topics (ex.9, p.25). 5 sentences, at least. 

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Comments (33)
    • Your hobby is computers game, isn't it?
      You’ve been to Spain, haven’t you?

      You have three brothers, haven't you?
      Your hobby is playing basketball, isn't it?

      Your favorite sound is The weeknd, isn't it?

      0 0 0 0
      • Ok! That's a good job, Tamir!

        0 0 0 0
      • You've been to Egypt, haven't you?
        Your favorite anime is Jo Jo, isn't it?
        You have 3 brothers, don't you?
        You are going to visit Korea, right? 

        0 0 0 0
        • Hello, Tanya! That's a good job. I think that the last sentence is correct, but you had to use the tag 'aren't you' there.  

          0 0 0 0
        • You were in Bayandai, haven't you?

          Your hobby volleyball, isn't it?

          You have thirteen older brothers, don't you?

          Your favorite blackpink band, isn't it?

          You have plans to visit Azerbaijan for the future, don't you?

          0 0 0 0
          • Hello, Tuyana! Thank you for your homework. The first sentence should look like this: You have been to Bayandai, haven't you? In the second one, you missed 'is' (is volleyball). In the third one, you missing 'is' again (your favourite is). 

            0 0 0 0
          • You’ve been to the Thailand, haven't you?

            Your favorite band is Twice, isn’t it?

            You have sister, don't you?

            Your hobby is archery, isn't it?

            You’re plans for  the future to marry a rich man , aren't you?

            0 0 0 0
            • Hello, Kisyusha! Well done! A couple of remarks: to Thailands (names of countries are written without 'to'). In the last sentence, you should write "...are to marry".  

              0 0 0 0
            • Your hobby is computers game, isn't it?

              You’ve been to Spain, haven’t you?


              You have three brothers, haven't you?

              Your hobby is playing basketball, isn't it?


              Your favorite sound is The weeknd, isn't it?

              0 0 0 0
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