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Make up 9 sentences with new words on pages 22-23.

    • 1) We must all stay close. 

      2) Cats are said to be naturally curious.

      3) I was especially fond of chocolate biscuits.

      4) To err is human.

      5)  He's been nursing an elderly relative .

      6) Darwin's scientific writings.

      7) I had a similar experience last year.

      8) She's my twin sister.

       9) Tom is hardly distinguishable from twin brother.        

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      • Thank you, Victoriya! Your sentences are quite nice. 

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      • 1At the end, it was very close to the settlement.

        2Aren't you curious. 

        3Especially this yellow armband.

        4Still more important, he's a citizen of the Empire and a human being. 

        5Are you a relative of that Randa?

        6There is a scientific explanation

        7I believe I may have a similar problem.

        8And her twin brother couldn't wind up a top for his life.

        9Isn't that your twin brother?

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        • Hello, Victor. It is great that you are doing your homework on Keenston. 

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        • 1) He has a lot of close friends.

          2) I found a curios box.

          3) She especially dislikes ants.

          4) A human was walking down the street.

          5) I met a relative at the store.

          6) He loves scientific journals.

          7) He has a similar phone as me.

          8) The twins were walking along the passage.

          9) She's his twin sister.

          0 0 0 0
          • Hello, Alex! Thank you for your nice sentences. 

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          • 1)The threat was inexorably close.

            2)He was curious to know her secret.

            3)I love chocolates, especially those with nuts. 

            4)A cat is not a human being!

            5)Tom is a distant relative of mine.

            6)Your theory has no scientific basis.

            7)Your shirt is similar to mine.

            8)Tom has a twin 

            9)My twin sister and I look like Siamese


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            • Hello, Slava! Thank you. Please don't forget about punctuation. 

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            • 1) My mother is a very close person to me.

              2) I am a curious person.

              3) Each rose is special.

              4) My sister, brothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles are my relatives.

              5) I am reading a scientific book.

              6) My friend is very similar to me.

              7) I have twin friends.


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              • Thank you, Masha! It is very nice!

                0 0 0 0
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